Friday, August 12, 2016

Around the House

Josie turned 3 months old a few days ago, so I pulled out the camera and took a few pictures.

The kids working on watercolor pictures they mailed to Aunt Barbie.

My attempt to get a picture of Josie on the day she turned 3 months.  I thought it would be nice to get a pictures of just Josie...but it didn't turn out that way.  Bernadette and Dom demanded that they be in the pictures too.

Poor Josie.  It's hard being loved this much...

Love, us all.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Josie's Baptism

Here are all of the pictures from our little Josephine's baptism!

A big thank you to Godparents, Tina and John.
Also, thank you to our photographers, Maria and Tracy.
And finally, thank you to everyone that traveled for this (basically everyone that was there!), Tina, Amy, Maddox and Baba from PA, Mom, Dad and John from MN, and Maria and Joe's family.
We love you all.  It was a great day.

Love, Nancy, Bill, Gus, Berna, Dom and Josie.

Maddox Visits!

We had a great visit from Maddox (and Baba and Tina and Amy).  We mostly just stayed around the house, but there was lots of fun to be had.

We spent a lot of time at the pool!

And went to the train restaurant, of course.

Which we followed up with ice cream.

And, with the weather cooling off, we enjoyed plenty of time in the backyard.

Everyone was here, of course, for little Josie's Baptism.  See next post for those pictures.